Ques 1: Is the Indian Offers Website free to use?
A: Yes Indian Offers site is free to use.
Ques 2: How can I stay up to date with all of the best offers from Indian Offers?
A: To get the latest online offers & Deals simply sign up to the Indian Offers newsletter and you will receive all top offers straight to your inbox!
Ques 3: If I register will you send me lots of emails?
A: No, we only sends 2-3 Mails, Maximum you can get in a day!
Ques 4: How do I contact Indian Offers?
A: Your feedback is important to us so please let us know what you think of Indian Offers and what offers you would like to see in the future https://Indianoffers.in/contact-us/
Ques 5: What is a Coupon Code?
A: To make fantastic savings online a voucher code can be entered to give you an extra discount. Also known as promotional codes, e-coupons or discount codes you simply enter them at the 'coupon redeem' area of the site to redeem the offer.
Ques 6: what is cashback? How Cashback Works? How to use cashback?
A Cashback is a reward that the user gets on purchasing on the shopping website. This cashback will depend on the online merchant for which the User is making a purchase.
Ques 7: There was an offer but Now it's no longer exists on the site. How can I get it?
In some cases, the offers presented to us by the store are only valid for a limited duration or until promotion lasts. When the offer reaches its expiration date, we remove it from our Website.
Ques 8: My query is not listed. What do I do?
You can submit your query by using the following steps:
Our team will be happy to assist in resolving your issue.